Coached by an attorney, Glenelg’s debate team competes locally and nationally in multiple categories, from individual and partner debate styles to public speaking. Other initiatives include volunteer-coaching FQMS debate students and bringing in lawyers and speech champions for feedback.
DEBATE EVENTS: Lincoln Douglas: solo event. Debate modern issues from a moral standpoint Public Forum: partner event. Debate a broad range of contemporary topics PUBLIC SPEAKING EVENTS: Original Oratory: solo event. Write, memorize, and perform a ten-minute speech on anything Declamation: solo event. Memorize and perform a speech (not written by yourself) on anything Extemporaneous Speaking: solo event. Write, memorize, and perform a speech on domestic and international issues under time constraints on competition day. Website: Instagram: @glenelgdebate Meeting Date and Time: Mondays, 2:15-3 Meeting Place: Room 201 Debate Student Contacts: Elizabath Bai Speech Student Contacts: Elizabeth Bai Faculty advisor: Leila Chawkat ([email protected]) Comments are closed.