By Zachary Kersh & David Toronto This year, April Fools’ Day falls on the same day as Easter, April first. It’s a designated day to harmlessly prank friends and family. The following are seven perfect pranks to make the day a success. Plastic Wrap on a Doorway
Line clear wrap on the bottom portion of a doorway, near where someone’s legs would be, when walking through the door. Call their name and watch as they get their legs caught up in an April Fools’ disaster. Just make sure they’re not running so they do not get hurt. Place a Small Sticky Note on the Optical Sensor of a Mouse On the bottom side of any mouse there is a red light that senses when the mouse is moved. By covering it, it blocks the reception therefore rendering the mouse useless. Frustrate friends or family by blocking it. Watch as they hilariously struggle to find out what it wrong. This prank is simple and effective, making it easy to do. Shaving Cream and Nose Tickle Ever had an irresistible itch just begging to be scratched? Everyone has. It’s impossible to resist. Put shaving cream or whip cream in one’s hand while they are sleeping. Next, scratch their nose gently. When they go to scratch their nose they will be caught in a sticky situation. Ketchup in Drinks When a friend goes to the bathroom, open the lid of a ketchup packet and place the bottom of the straw inside of it. With the packet invisible, when the friend goes to take a sip, he’ll be surprised and caught off guard. Glenelg Freshman Dylan Chung shared, “I did this to my brother once. His face was hilarious and priceless. He was so disgusted.” The prank is effective since it is unexpected from the recipient. Air Horn to the Seat One of the best ways to prank someone is by implementing the fear factor. A perfect way to frighten someone is with a loud noise such as an air horn. By taping an air horn under an office chair seat, when someone goes to sit on it they’ll be sure to jump. Easter Grapes This year, April Fools Day and Easter fall on the same day. Instead of handing out chocolate eggs, wrap grapes in the same tinfoil in which eggs would be wrapped. Put them in a bowl and watch as unsuspecting guests unraveling the covering, only to find that what they expected is not what they got. Mayonnaise Munchkins Donuts with cream inside are delicious. Donuts with mayonnaise, not so much. Put mayonnaise in a plastic bag and make a small cut in the corner. Dig a straw into the munchkin to make a space in the middle. Squeeze the mayonnaise into the donut and squeeze the edge of he donut to make the mayonnaise invisible. Glenelg freshman Kevin Pak exclaimed, “I did this prank to my parents, the grounded me for a week!” Nationwide, this day is filled with laughter and joy. The next day, you can be sure to hear about some of the epic pranks that occured. We hope this list of pranks helps make your day one to remember. Try to have as much fun as possible without doing anything to get you in trouble. Comments are closed.
December 2024