By McKenna Rueter Time to open those windows to let in the spring air, while you’re at it open those closets and clean out the clutter! With the new seasons many different things need a fresh start, including our closets. Unwanted t-shirts, long sleeves, pants, and even things like school supplies can help our community in great ways. Delta Scholars is running a drive for unwanted school supplies for children who can not afford new supplies as the year dwindles down. Those pens and folders in your bottom desk drawers can get others through the last weeks of their math, English, and art classes. When asking Lily Barragan, a member of Delta Scholars, about why the drive would be benefical she said “There are many kids in our school who have run out of supplies for class so we felt this drive would be great for both kids donating and the other individuals who need more supplies.” The school community can make a great impact for each other in little ways.
In the spirit of prom, many girls have prom dresses, flats, heels, and accessories they will not wear again. These items could help other girls and their families who can not meet the pricey expenses of prom. When asking Junior Tiffany Boswell, she said “Prom is very expensive for tickets, a dress, bus, and more. I feel donating would be a great way to ensure everyone could have a great night with prom.” Donating would not only be a good way to make space but would make another girl excited and feel beautiful on their prom night. Not only can you donate your clothes to benefit others, you can become crafty and find a new use out of the clothes. Many craft ideas can come from clearing out your closet! When clearing out all of the old t-shirts, you do not have to discard the t shirts filled with memories, but can make it into a cozy t-shirt blanket. This activity can even be done with friends and family as a craft! As Glenelg and a community we come together to have each others backs and further our sense of unity. Along with this sense of unity, we receive a gratifying feeling knowing we helped others and did our good deeds of paying it forward. Comments are closed.
December 2024