By Nicole King
The transformation into high school is a petrifying experience that most students dread: the thought of being shoved across the halls by tall, scary upperclassmen usually ends up leaving Freshman anxious to begin their year. Freshman Ava Gezelle, said she “was nervous since the environment is so much bigger and more intimidating.” Everywhere you turn, there are upperclassmen who cluster together in the halls, blocking room numbers. Hope Wilmeth is a Freshman who believes the Juniors and Seniors make it “hard to find their way around the new, larger area.” Luckily, there are various techniques to help Freshman like Gezelle and Wilmeth coast through their first year of high school. Follow the tips and tricks below if you want a successful year with complications.
If these rules make students transition into high school too arduous, try the following below!
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May 2024