By: Rayyan Ahmad While many students around the world are stuck indoors, school spirit and social interaction has gone down tremendously through this virtual school year. With many students not being able to hang out with friends and fellow peers, it is important to have some interaction with classmates to promote a healthy learning environment and have some fun. GHS Student Services is following this protocol by hosting an online Among Us meet every Thursday from 11:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M. for all high school students at Glenelg High School. Among Us is a popular multiplayer game that rose in popularity this year during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Among Us Article) This “Among Us Social” was originally kept for new students at Glenelg, mainly transfers from other schools (Marriotts Ridge). After the growing popularity of the game, it soon became open to all new students, mainly Freshmen. “I remember how excited my Freshmen mentees were when I introduced the Among Us gathering to them, and now they go on almost every week to play the game with new friends,” says Gladiator on the Horizon Mentor and GHS Senior Christopher Heller. As many Mentors have invited new Gladiators into the fold of Among Us and the program has gone so well that Student Services expanded the program and it is now available to all students and staff at Glenelg High School. With the Among Us Meetings becoming more and more successful, with nearly 80-90 students and staff members playing every week and each Among Us lobby being limited to 10 players, GOTH (Gladiators on the Horizon) Mentors were chosen to lead each breakout group during the meetings. “As having been to many Among Us meetings and even being in charge of leading a few, I am also shocked by the massive turnout form the GHS community,” says GHS Junior and GOTH Mentor Daniel Zhang. “It is also kept very organized by the Student Counselors, and the games ran pretty smoothly, for the most part.” The meetings have even caught the attention of many teachers and other staff members, many of whom also join and partake in the fun game of deceit that is Among Us. The idea behind this virtual social gathering was to create an area for students to continue social interaction by playing a fun online game. It is also a space for many students to be able to assimilate into the Glenelg community and get to know each other while also enjoying their time trying to find imposters and complete their tasks. “Among Us has really transcended to more than just a game, it morphed into a form of communication, a way for us to meet our classmates in more than just an educational setting and have a great time,” says Christian Amaya, a Senior at Glenelg High School and former GHS Shield Journalist. The game is able to create an atmosphere that makes it easy to make friends and play fast-paced games that everyone enjoys. With Among Us being more and more well known, the meetings are only projected to get even larger and with many more students excited to play the game and reconnect through the virtual setting. “The Social is a hit with the Glenelg Community,” says Senior Ethan Bombhardt. “ I have played only a couple games with everyone, but it is still fun and I hope to see more of everyone.” With many students enjoying the outcomes after the meet, there is always an open invitation to anyone else who would like to join. If anyone else is interested in joining the meets, there is more information regarding them on the GHS website. The Among Us app is completely free on IOS and Android, and there is no other extension needed other than a microphone that is just used from Google Meets. All students have to do is download the app, join the meet code and Enjoy! Comments are closed.
October 2024