By: Jackie Lyons
A new medical show has taken FOX by storm. The Resident is about a young doctor named Devon Pravesh who has just graduated Harvard Medical School and has been transported to work at Chastain Park Memorial Hospital. He remains under the supervision of Senior resident, Dr. Conrad Hawkins, played by Gilmore Girls star Matt Czuchry, who spends his time challenging the hospital’s morals and does the wrong things for the right reasons. While Hawkins is out acting like Robin Hood, Chastain’s top surgeon, Dr. Randolph Bell is facing his own issues that include accidents while in surgery. Among the numerous malpractice coverups, Chastain is being forced to go through severe budget cuts that jeopardize their ability to properly run their hospital. Medical dramas are a staple in today’s pop culture. Show such as Grey’s Anatomy and ER have left lasting impressions, and so far, The Resident seems like it’ll fit in. Each episode is jam packed with different problems the core characters have to face. Sophomore, Kelsey Flavin, says, “So far in this season, I enjoy how different each episode is and you never know how each one is going to end.” Having a new hospital show has proven to be more relatable to viewers than the hundreds of supernatural shows currently airing on TV now. Senior, Trey Hensing, says, “Hospital shows are more realistic and relatable than supernatural shows that deal with monsters, so like people understand the stresses of hospitals more easy.” Many viewers, such as Hensing, find this new medical drama refreshing compared to others shows currently being broadcasted. This day in age, cable TV shows are being cancelled left and right due to low ratings. With it’s 93% approval rating from Google users, The Resident may be the biggest hit of the year. Comments are closed.
October 2024