By: Ginny Sung It’s no surprise that technology is everywhere. As generations have grown, technology has become more advanced and is evolving rapidly. Technology can be used for an everyday simple task to something as big as saving lives. Not only this, but technology has been a big part of education. Technology improved education by providing tools that have easy access to teachers, helping students learn better and quicker, and by helping parents stay connected with their children. However, many educators, parents, and other students worry that students are becoming too dependent on technology. Many people argue that the use of technology in schools prepares us for the real world, while others argue that technology is distracting and actually a waste of time. Technology is used everywhere in education, maybe even too much; students submit and complete assignments online, teachers teach lessons and grade assignments online. Forget the pencil and paper, students even have devices, such as a stylus, that serves as a pencil, where you can take notes online. What about solving simple math problems, such as, division, addition, and subtraction? Everyone has access to calculators. Will people even know how to do long division or a simple subtraction problem? So, there is no doubt that students depend on technology throughout their education. But, how many hours do students actually spend on technology, completing assignments, and doing homework? It is no doubt that technology will malfunction and have its problems. But, when technology fails, will students have their handy dandy pencil and paper to be able to take notes? Sophomore, Nia Stewart says, “Before online schooling my handwriting was terrible, and after online schooling, it’s like I forgot how to write.” At a young age, we are taught to never forget our pencil and paper. It’s crazy to think about how many students purposely don’t bring a pencil and paper because they depend on technology to take their notes and complete their assignments. Not only this but technology can become a distraction in the learning environment. Sophomore, Nadia Berkowicz says, “I feel like phones and computers are big. I’m pretty sure most people, including myself, will get distracted by their phone when doing schoolwork.” Technology makes it hard for students to pay attention in their classes. Students can become distracted by their phones, by social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. But, because of this distraction students may miss an important piece of information, that may be crucial to them in the future. One concerning factor when it comes to education and technology is cheating. Sophomore, Vivian Contreras says, “Students have become more dependent on technology, since having to be in online learning, which doesn’t set them up right for future classes.” Technology makes cheating for students so much easier. Now students can hide their phones, during a test or if the test is on a computer students can easily pull up another tab and search the answers up. Not only this, but at home, when doing homework, students can easily look up the answer on their phones. Some students have become so dependent on technology, that they use it to cheat through the entirety of their classes. This can become a huge issue for our community, especially in college, where students are studying to become their profession of choice. What happens if a student, trying to earn their medical degree cheats their way through their classes? This could cause a huge problem, as the student, when faced with a life or death situation, won’t know what to do. Before technology, students would spend their time outside, playing with friends and their family. Now, students have technology to keep them busy and barely go outside unless required to. Instead of playing games such as Jump Rope and Hopscotch that are played outside, students now have games such as Among us, Fortnite, and Mario Cart that are all digital. Not only this, but, this is now a students' way of socializing; through a device. Students used to have to go outside and run to their friends house, just to talk to them. Now all they have to do is press a few buttons on their device. Although technology is very tempting and addictive, we should limit ourselves to the amount of technology we use throughout the day. There are multiple ways to effectively limit and still enjoy the use of technology. Setting up schedules, where there are certain times, in school, where technology is not used. This will allow for students to be able to refresh their brains. Even though it is necessary to keep advancing with technology, especially in education, we should not get too caught up in technology and not let it pull us away from reality. Comments are closed.
October 2024