By: Steven Moe There is no denying Artificial Intelligence’s impact on our society in the past few years. From self-driving cars to smart home devices, from social media to chatbots, AI has garnered people’s attention from all corners of society – ChatGPT alone gained 1 million users in its first five days publicly available.
Programs specific to generating new content are an emergent technology. Many of these prominent platforms were released in 2021 and 2022, and quickly embraced by students and other online users. Here at Glenelg, and across the county, the topic and use of AI technology has gained so much recent traction, that county officials added specific language to this year’s Code of Conduct due to the concern of plagiarism, which states that “Plagiarism, using the work or ideas of others, may also include the use of Artificial Intelligence writing programs without proper acknowledgment.”
December 2024