By Steven Stetson
Many argue that Trump says controversial things constantly, and really, who can blame them? A fair amount of the things he’s said have definitely warranted him his reputation. However, there’s one issue that’s remained fairly constant, and that’s his view on abortion. Over the years, Trump’s made known his stance on abortion, which as of right now, amounts to being pro-life. According to The Washington Post, a survey poll found that 66% of Americans oppose tax funding of abortion laws, opposed to the 34% that identify as pro-choice, and in support of said laws. Given these percentages, it’s clear that America as a whole is primarily pro-life, giving Trump one favorable trait amongst the majority. Introduced in 1984 by Ronald Reagan, came the Global Gag Rule, also known as the “Mexico City Policy”, which banned government services, and funding for those who sought abortion outside the U.S. While a foreign policy it was, many Americans were opposed to it, believing that women’s rights should be valued outside the country as well. However, in 2009 Obama reversed the rule, until this year, when Trump reversed it immediately following the Women’s March on Washington D.C, for the “Power to Choose.” The true definition of abortion (according to, that is) reads, “The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.” The real issue is determining when it’s officially classified as human. Let’s get technical. Take the word pregnancy. According to, pregnancy is, “the state of being pregnant.” What’s pregnant mean? Once more, reads, “having a child or young developing in the uterus.” Most would consider “child or young” to be human. It’s evident that Trump takes to heart this view, in regards to believing an abortion is murder (“termination”). Why else would he oppose it, and suggest means of punishment? On an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC, Matthews asked Trump whether or not there should be some sort of punishment for those who choose to abort, and Trump answered, “There has to be some form of punishment.” Trump continued on explaining his choice of pro-life, whilst making his stance clear. Abortion is a problem, and was on Trumps radar for sometime, that’s why he’s made the decision to act, and stand up for what he as President believes. While it’s true that President Trump, as well as a large significant of the population are anti-abortion, it remains a topic of discussion. Sure, Trump is pro-life, but regardless of what you or I may believe, there will always be a variety of opinions differing from our own. Trump’s view on abortion is what’s at hand however, and must be seen as such, for he is our model as President. Make no mistake - opinions are to be shared and debated, as that is our right. But for the purpose of this article, it’s that of Trump’s (opinion) that we must focus on, and analyze. Comments are closed.
December 2024